
Here is the download link for the Windows Eco Optimizer.

The Windows Eco Optimizer is a new take on how one can reduce their daily power usage. Through changing the setting in a pc like making sure it will always shut down after one use of inactivity (even if it's asleep), to stopping telementary functions in a computer the Eco optimizer has it all. The Eco optimizer creates a registry back up the moment it is made which guarantees that if files get currupted you can simply return back to the moment it was created. On top of this it clears the memory by deleting useless files on one's computer to make memory usage more efficient, and also enable the eco power mode built into windows. You can get all this with a click of a button! But do not hesitate to share the Eco Optimizer with your friends, family, or even your work. If used on a grand scale its effect will be enormous.

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